HRCT Management Services



India is world’s second largest telecom market. With rural sector driving the demand for wireless connection, the Telecom industry is expected to increase to 70 percent by 2017 and India has featured amongst the top 10 broadband markets in 2013.

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Hrct Vıewpoınt:

The Indian telecommunication industry has seen exponential growth, because of which there is an encouraging traction for jobs. India is today the world’s second largest telecom segment with rural sector a dominant force for wireless connection.

Hrct Value Addıtıon:

Professionals with technical proficiency are in demand for this sector. Hiring for this dynamic sector requires skill and understanding of this industry. HRCT recruitment experts understand this domain and the skill required to tap the potential of this industry. We dedicate a special team for our clients to look after their recruitment processes and needs. We offer placement to every candidate on our database and ensure that everybody has a rewarding job. Our metrics and processes are streamlined and adapted to the changing demands of recruitment industry.

Telecom Specıalıtıes:

Telecom Professionals: Internet, Broadband
Wireless professionals, Wireline (both rural and urban

Industries We Serve